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Why Choose Us?

Ours is a commitment towards evolving a better society, by providing efficient educational services, through highly motivated professionals aided by state of the art facilitates, while remaining a corporate entity bound by our culture of excellence

It is the philosophy of Inglewood Academy that each student is a unique and valuable individual who has the potential to be a contributing member of society with the capacity to develop the talents and skills to function successfully in life. We believe that each student can realize his or her own potential in four areas:

We believe that our students can develop the creative and intellectual skills to master the material necessary for them to succeed in advanced education and in life.

We believe that our students can learn to be healthy individuals. They can develop coordination and physical skills, and can learn to have the confidence necessary to enable them to participate in and enjoy physical activities now and in the future.

We believe that our students can learn to interact with others in a positive and rewarding way, with well-developed social skills for building relationships with peers and adults of diverse ethnic, cultural, and racial backgrounds.

We believe that our students can develop into emotionally healthy individuals who believe success is possible and who know themselves to be likable and capable. We believe a school environment should be nurturing and success-oriented. It should be an environment which has established standards that allow for variability in level of development through flexibility and accommodation within the program.

Here at Inglewood Academy, we know we are educating our children for the world of the future. We must give them the skills they need to move confidently into that future while instilling the values that contribute to life as emotionally healthy individuals. We must introduce children to a multi-cultural world in which understanding and acceptance of others will be key in developing the ability to cooperate and communicate. We must equip them with the ability to use the technology that presently exists and to accept future technical advances and changes with confidence.

We believe our program needs to train children to look to the future while valuing the gifts of the past.

Ours is a commitment towards evolving a better society, by providing efficient educational services, through highly motivated professionals aided by state of the art facilitates; while remaining a corporate entity bound by our culture of excellence